Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news.

True, no? you're a journalist, a person equipped with a deadly weapon; a license to publish the ugly truths, revolting facts and persistingly irritating figures. you can ruin this person's life, and make the other guy champion of the world. Impressive? i would say intimidating. yes.
but she calls the shots in the media field, yours anyway. she compliments, complains, frowns, shouts, but she provides the dough. and she tells you (straight in the face) that the media's ratings are taking a plunge. you look at your hands, with what's happening in the world today; a ninety seven year old diehard managing to conquer, say, a hill? am i really going to count on this to make my day, or keep my rice bowl for that matter. or can i do better?
you're not that intimidating now, are you?

Like in any other job domain, the whole idea of commercialising, money-making and profit priority is settling, like it or not, into the media world. Money is what counts. The media wants for itself high ratings, which would simply translate into more profits. This brings us back to, well, MONEY. The thick wad of bills. Who cares whether or not the information is true, the crowd loves it! i process this news i found out; give it a little twist, turn and a right smack on the ass. then blow it up, and there we go! the readers are captivated! enthralled! so eager for more!

But before we go pointing fingers, we must always start on ourselves. I believe that we should start paying our dear journalists more attention. We should embolden this message as a community, society, country, world. that we respect the freedom of the press and media, but our news will not be compromised. It MUST not be compromised.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Hope is the gay, skylarking pajamas we wear over yesterday's bruises

This phrase by Benjamin De Casseres, effectively lured me into the deep, unpredictable pit of thought. Indeed, the reason we are able to put up with and endure the blows and beatings of yesterday, would boil down to the hope of seeing a better tomorrow. Would you then not agree that hope is the driving mechanism in our lives, the root of our enthusiasm and optimism? Who are we without hope? And what is hope without us?


No doubt youtube is going to be an essentiality for time to come; its swarming pool of knowledge, innovation and discoveries are too significant to be cast aside. I would stifle the urge to laugh whenever i think of a video i once viewed on youtube. It illustrated the actual ignorance of the citizens of a world superpower, America. While the country is commended for its frequent breakthroughs in the field of science and technology, her citizens are still unsure of the number of sides of a triangle. Irony yes.

People also do comment that this technological asset can be nonsensical and a bane at times. This view is wholeheartedly supported by frequent posts of worthless and meaningless videos and documents, which unfortunate to say, take up the majority of the content at times. However, before we delve too much into the unfavourable aspects of youtube, let us focus instead on its helpfulness and benefits. You would then agree that reaping the advantages of this tool would and will be, a wise choice.

'The teenage years are the best years of one's life.' Would you agree with this view?

Personally, i would not be at an advantage in taking a stand on this issue, because i'm barely past the sixteenth year of a long journey - life. To a certain extent, this topic statement holds true; is it not in our teenage years that we have everything in our hands? Youth, vitality, health, you name it. The very tools which we use to shape our visions of bliss, happiness, and FUN.
But of course there is another take to this question. The teenage years are those long periods of conflicting self doubt and rebellious feelings; the urge to FIND the real you, and make yourself be heard over the overwhelming din - the constant nagging and voices of your so called 'superiors', or simply elders. The emergence of the new tide of EMO KIDS, clearly highlights this area of concern. Are they just lost souls, or are they actually just confused, troubled with this new term thrust right in their face, ADULTHOOD? Whatever the case, there is no denying that these EMO KIDS are the ones who will lead the world forward in time to come, shouldnt we stop and really pay them more attention and concern? Yes? No?
Finally, life is just a flash; to sit back (not lie back) and relax (not laze), not to ask yourself at your deathbed whether this was all just a dream. There is just once, LIVE it. i'm sure you would want to look back at the teenage years and say, ''Yes indeed, i have seen through this meaningful and enhancing period of life.''

