Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news.

True, no? you're a journalist, a person equipped with a deadly weapon; a license to publish the ugly truths, revolting facts and persistingly irritating figures. you can ruin this person's life, and make the other guy champion of the world. Impressive? i would say intimidating. yes.
but she calls the shots in the media field, yours anyway. she compliments, complains, frowns, shouts, but she provides the dough. and she tells you (straight in the face) that the media's ratings are taking a plunge. you look at your hands, with what's happening in the world today; a ninety seven year old diehard managing to conquer, say, a hill? am i really going to count on this to make my day, or keep my rice bowl for that matter. or can i do better?
you're not that intimidating now, are you?

Like in any other job domain, the whole idea of commercialising, money-making and profit priority is settling, like it or not, into the media world. Money is what counts. The media wants for itself high ratings, which would simply translate into more profits. This brings us back to, well, MONEY. The thick wad of bills. Who cares whether or not the information is true, the crowd loves it! i process this news i found out; give it a little twist, turn and a right smack on the ass. then blow it up, and there we go! the readers are captivated! enthralled! so eager for more!

But before we go pointing fingers, we must always start on ourselves. I believe that we should start paying our dear journalists more attention. We should embolden this message as a community, society, country, world. that we respect the freedom of the press and media, but our news will not be compromised. It MUST not be compromised.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perceptive questions asked. Next question is tough - how? How do you stir up media citizenry?